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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh



Our school uses the 'Grow in Love' series to develop and deepen the Catholic faith.  The Grow in Love programme contains stories, poems, art, drama and music activities all designed to help your child to learn about God.

In all things, including Religious Education, you are your child’s first and best teacher. What is done in school only complements and builds on what you do at home. That is why Grow in Love is designed to be used both in school and at home. It also provides links with the local parish community.

Grow in Love offers you the opportunity to teach your child about the faith that you chose for them in Baptism. Here are some other simple things that you can do at home to help your child to grow in faith:

  • Create a Prayer Space in your child’s bedroom using religious articles such as a cross/crucifix, holy water, a candle, etc. Your child will have a prayer space in their classroom, so they will be familiar with this concept.
  • Place a holy water font at the front door and bless yourself as you leave the house.
  • Do acts of kindness with your child, such as donating their good quality toys and clothes to a local charity shop.
  • Make the Sign of the Cross when you pass a church.
  • Visit the church at a quiet time and chat to your child about what they see.
  • Bring your child to Mass.
  • Pray simple prayers such as the Morning/Night Prayer, Grace Before/After Meals and the Our Father/Hail Mary as a family.
2nd Sep 2024
The children and staff gathered in the hall today for their First Assembly to ask...
24th Jun 2024
As we approach the end of another school year Bishop McKeown has recorded a message...
1st May 2024
All children received a Miraculous Medal during the Month of May.  The Miraculous...