P6-7 - Mr Rouse
Welcome to Primary 6 and Primary 7! These exciting upper Key Stage 2 years are very busy for all our pupils both academically and spiritually.
Throughout these years, pupils will encounter a variety of learning opportunities and experiences in all curricular areas where they can expand on previous knowledge and develop their skills both independently and in group activities.
Pupils will have many occasions to perform for an audience, e.g. Christmas shows, assemblies, reading at mass, singing for sacramental celebrations, sporting events, instrumental recitals and the Strabane Poetry Festival, all of which help promote pupil confidence and positivity.
Pupils use the Accelerated Reading Programme and Alta Maths which are digital methods of testing for both subject areas. Children are enjoying these applications and the challenges which they provide. ICT is used daily in the classroom and children are familiar with the use of iPads to redefine their learning in many ways including animation, coding and presentation work. Pupils enjoy STEM based learning and can showcase their talents using Lego Mindstorms.
Primary 7 pupils will prepare for their Confirmation with the help of their 'Filled with Joy' book, which will be completed in class alongside occasional homework activities.
Primary 6 and 7 pupils enjoy weekly visits from Sean O'Kane for PE on a Friday and Mrs Sweeney for Music on a Wednesday. A Mandarin tutor also visits the class for a 30 minute lesson each Thursday.
Topics taught in our class include The Human Body, Titanic, Rainforests, The Vikings, Formula 1, Climate Change and Financial Capability.
St Peter's employs the PATHs Programme for PDMU throughout all classes. This initiative aims to help pupils control their feelings and behaviour by planning a solution if experiencing a problem. We celebrate our talents and friendships by giving pupils compliments when chosen as 'Pupil of the Day.'
We work very hard in a fun, caring environment where pupils are encouraged to be confident and enthusiastic learners who can reach their true potential and be the best they can possibly be!
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