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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh

Happy Easter

8th Apr 2020

Happy Easter Boys and Girls, Mummy's, Daddy's and Carers,


I hope the Easter bunny will arrive to everyone. Boys and girls you have been fantastic and a real credit to the school, you have taken your work very seriously and have been posting loads on the See Saw app. I know this has only been possible as your parents/carers are very pro - active. Your parents/carers have been brilliant and I know it has been a quick learning process for them but they have excelled. I am also aware that others do not have internet but do not panic I know you have been working hard.


This week I want you all to sit back and enjoy this quality time that you have together. If you wish you can post pictures to your teacher on see saw. Primary one and two I hope you are reading and using the free oxford reading tree resources and completing you work packs and enjoying the time by baking, playing and  helping mum or dad.


I am also aware that we have superheroes in our school community - mums, dads and carers who are key workers and are out every day - even over Easter. I just want to congratulate them and let them know how much they are admired and appreciated. Thank -you VERY much.


Over the next week health is the number one priority and boys and girls it is important to pray for our families and all the doctors and nurses and all the keyworkers. Also remember the people who are sick in our prayers.


Before I finish I want all the boys and girls to blow their mum, dad or carer a BIG hug (social distancing) and then go and eat and share your easter eggs! 😘 🤗 


Don’t forget to phone Granny and Grandad or anyone else who is your special helper and wish them a Happy Easter. They will love to hear from you. Phone     📱  phone     📞 


On behalf of the staff at St Peter's I wish you all a very Happy Easter and don't eat too many Easter Eggs.

Hope to see you soon,

P.S. There is a little impromptu video below for P1-3. Hope they enjoy it!!!!!🐥 

Happy Easter 🐣 

God bless,

Miss Falls