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St. Peter's Primary School, Plumbridge, Omagh

Ballinascreen Credit Union Quiz

27th Jan 2023

This morning saw some of our pupils take part in the annual quiz hosted by Ballinascreen Credit Union. We sent forward three teams, two in the Under-11 category and one in the Under-13 category. 

The quiz was very well organised and ran very smoothly for all involved. The entire P5-7 class went down to the Plumbridge Hall to cheer on their classmates. The U-11 category was a very closely contested section and was separated by no more than a few points the whole way through. Thankfully our school performed very well and in the end, finished as winners by a single point from a team from St. Brigid’s in Cranagh. 

The U-13 section was also very competitive but one team from St. Michael’s in Dunamanagh were runaway winners. Anxious waits now for both these teams to see if either can go forward to represent Ballinascreen in a regional contest. It depends on the results of another section tonight. We’ll cross our fingers!


Congratulations to all competitors in this competition and thanks again to Ballinascreen for organising a wonderful event.